・How do you greet people in your life?
When I greet people, I say "Hello" by looking at their faces .
・Is it different for different people? How so and why?
Yes, it is different for different people. If I greet my friends, It's enough to say "Hello". But If I greet higher ranking people and older people, I need to bow. Because it's manner as a member of society.
・Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? Or Why not?
My answeres are "Yes" and "No". Because it depends who I talk with. When I talk to my frisnds, I sometimes touch them. But when I talk to higher ranking people, older people, and people who I meet for the first time, I don't touch. Because it's overly familier. Some people don't like it.
You touch your close friends. It is interesting. As for me, it is uncommont to touch even among close friends, but touching to some extent might be good, I think.