
How is my daily life affected by Buddhism?

There are the family Buddhist altar in my house. So, my family bend the knee to it every morning and evening. Because we pray and give my thanks to our ancestores and the Budda. The purpose is to pray for happiness and good health everyday. And we always keep flowers and offerings in front of the family altar. When we have some events, we visit our graves. For example, I went there before I went abroad, and I extend my best wishes for life of health and happiness in England. I thought " Why do I do that?". Because my grand mother and other familys do and taught me these habits. Buddism is part of my life.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Do you bend the knee to your ancestores every day?
    My grandmother prayed to the alter every day, but we don't have the alter in my house.
    My grandmother's house is traditional, but mine is not, so I think it is becoming hard to pray to the alter every morning.
    How do you think about that?

  2. Does your family bend the keen to pray your ancesters every day? I think it is great things.
