

1, Do you think Japan should give more students options to study more languages (other than English) in Junior and Senior High School?

I don't think so. I think that studying Japanese and English are good enough for linguistics when students are in Junior and Senior High School. After studing Japanese and English hard, it's not late to begin studing other language at university.

2, Do you agree with the writer Minae Mizumura?

This article is little difficult for me. I'm not sure I understand all of it...
Anyway I agree with her. I have three reasons.
First, the cellphone and the computer are very frequently used. And the frequency is increasing. As increasing that, chances of writing characters have decreased. So, we trend to forget our characters.
Second, "katakanago(Japanese English)" have been infiltrating into Japanese people. And we always want to use them.
Finally, we study hard in English, but we don't study hard in Japanese. because we think studing Japanese is enough at some level like living in Japan.

Men and women

Do you agree or disagree with the author(who is Japanese).

I agree with the author. As the author in the airticle say, Japanese men are negative about love. I think that they can't approach to women hard. So they can't direct romantic atmosphere such as we want, and they don't say their feeling like "I love you". Such as men called "soushokukei-danshi(negative men or weak men...I'm not sure whether it's collect translation or not)".
Today, women are playing increasingly important roles outside the home and rising social status. Women are strong. Do we have to lead "sousyokukei-danshi"? I don't want that. I like a reliable man and a real man, and I want men to lead me.
So, I'll make foreign boy friend who is gentleman instead of Japanese negative men.

Table manners

Have you ever eaten in a foreign restaurant? Did you make any mistake? Please explain your experience. Did you learn anything?

I 've never eaten in a restaurant such as I need uncommon table manners. I know general table manners. For example, we put a knife and folk on a lower right of plate after eating. And my grandmother is a teacher of the tea ceremony, so she have strictly taught me manners.
When I was child, I can't use chopsticks well. My grandmother said me "You can't marry", and I practiced hard by her. I couldn't understand why I had to use chopsticks in restrictive way. But I thank her that she kept advising me. If I can't use chopsticks well even now, I would be ashamed of it. Table manners such as using chopsticks well are general intelligencce. And we need them because everyone have a meal comfortable together.