
Class Number 8 Weddings

Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea? Eloping? Having it in a foreign location like Hawaii? What is your ideal wedding? What would you definitely do or wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?

I think having a massive wedding is not bad. But I don't need it. Because I'd like to spend money for the haneymoon rather than the wedding.
I disagree the eloping. Because a marrige is not matter between only two people. If I marry someone, my family also become a family of my husband. So when we marry someone, we need permission of our family for happiness of everyone.
I think having it on a foreign location like Hawaii is good. My cousin and his wife held their wedding in Hawaii. It was wonderful. There were beautiful view, romantic church, blue sky, and sea. If I can hold my wedding there, I would have never been happy.
I think a wedding is very big and important day. Because it will be only once in our life.(Maybe...I hope it.) And we can become a heroine at that day. I want to wear white glitter dress, and I want my family, best friends and relative to celebrate our wedding. So I long to have a wedding abroad. But if so, I will be able to invite almost everyone. Then I will have my wedding in Japan, and I will go abroad on my haneymoon.

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